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New larger 20 g SWOOSH CO2 cartridges deliver 800 PSI of oil free air to clear the line, with 25% more capacity. Once in a drain pan, its unique dispenser stops water overflow for up to 3 months. In tight or awkward places, the POWER-VEE is like having an extra hand. This unit is designed to clear clogged drains from 1-1/4 in. The unique Dyna-Thrust bearing system is 1 of the features built into this unit that will allow it to last a decade or more. It helps carry the weight of the drum, significantly reducing wear on the motor shaft bearing and extending the life of the tool.
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Zip It Drain Cleaning Tool
Make note of which type of gas is being used in that application. It's the most versatile regulator kit in the industry. Drain Solve is an alkaline-based drain opener which removes grease, hair, vegetable and other organic matter. It is non-fuming and it will clean and clear drains quickly. Simply pour it down the drain and let it work without fear of noxious fumes or reactions that may squirt corrosive chemicals into face and eyes.
I was flying over all these large cities. I was looking out the window and said ‘there’s a drain in every one of those houses down there and every one of them could use a Zip-It®. “I’d try the liquid cleaners and plungers; bending up coat hangers. Finally one day I went into the garage and found a plastic sled hanging against the wall. I took it off and cut a thin strip maybe three eighths of an inch wide and a couple feet long and cut notches in it.
The Inventor
The MRCS cutter set is used for General's Mini-Rooter line of drain cleaners. This cutter set is perfect for opening small drain lines. The Rehvac condensate drain line cleaning kit uses dry nitrogen or CO2 to clear drain line clogs. The kit may also be used for other uses including removing dirt from HVAC coils, purging of a system with dry nitrogen at low flow, inflating tires and more. Purging and pressure testing a system is only recommend with dry nitrogen.

THRIFT CRYSTALS can be used in kitchen and bath drain lines, floor drains, grease traps, and Septic systems to keep drain flowing freely. THRIFT CRYSTALS will dissolve Hair, Grease, Soap Scum and most organic gunk in Less than 60 Seconds. THRIFT CRYSTALS can be used in kitchen & bath drain lines, floor drains, grease traps, and Septic systems to keep drain flowing freely. SWOOSH CO2 cartridges deliver 800 PSI of oil free air to clear the line. Rip through tough stoppages with the unique CLOGCHOPPER multi-function cutting tools. 6 self-sharpening blades dig into encrusted debris and root masses, easily grinding up stoppages, scale, and crystallized urine, without risking pipe damage.
Zip It Drain Cleaner (Licensing An Invention, How I Did It)
He has lots of advice for emerging inventors. He says it’s common for people to come up with marketable ideas and never pursue them, even though companies are seeking out ideas today more than ever. “I developed a device for perforating pizzas. I have muscular dystrophy, so I invented a device for drawing back a bow so you can just squeeze a lever.
Flexible hose assembly maneuvers through cabinets, coils and hard to reach drains. Cartridges are environmentally safe and recyclable. Reduces labor costs and time on service calls. The Drain Gun is designed to blow out drain lines instantly.
The spherical design maneuvers around tight ends and traps, thoroughly and safely cleaning metal, plastic, and clay pipes. Its excellent for clearing stacks, downspouts, mains, as well as for drain lining jobs. In tight or awkward places, the Power-Vee is like having an extra-hand. To feed the cable just start the Power-Vee and squeeze the feed lever; to retract it, reverse the motor and squeeze the lever. Flow Plus is an innovative, condensate drain pan treatment product. Flow Plus is a completely soluble moisture activated condensate pan treatment, assuring long term treatment that leaves no dispenser, bag or residue to be removed.
Find key manufacturers and just start cold calling them,” he said. When Luoma’s not coming up with ideas for inventions, he helps inspire others to come up with their own. He gives people the plans for his own inventions to foster creativity. He also helps entrepreneurs’ market new ideas.
“I remember when I was back on the farm in the 1950s. My job was to keep the grass and the weeds trimmed around the buildings. I had to pull up grass and cut it with a pair of scissors. I took the open end of soup can and put wires in it.
Another device puts down traffic cones on the highway. A machine separates rims from tires; I invented a device that keeps solar panels facing to the sun,” he said. It makes my life more convenient when you don’t have to call a professional or buy some chemical drain stuff. Anytime you need it, you can just insert into the drain and pull out the clog.
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